Samba Percussion Rap in Loshausen | WorldMusic Festival


Buyakano concerts, past, present and future!

live @ WorldMusic Festival // Park, Loshausen (DE)

26th of June 2013

This world-music festival is fittingly called WorldMusic Festival, and has booked us for a gig on the 26th of July. The Festival takes place from the 26th-28th of July in Loshausen, Germany, and we are very happy to play on their first evening.

As we perform directly next to this town during the SommerMusikFest on the very next evening, we are glad to announce: Hessen, here we come!

IMAGE buyakano modern samba rap percussion with horns live @ world music festival loshausen 2013

WorldMusic Festival // Park, Loshausen (DE)
June 26th

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